Dec 31, 2007

Being a Resourceful Crafter and save $$$

I know a lot of your crafty people out there are poor like I am. In fact I think it's part of how we become so crafty, not having any money to spend on entertainment so we come up with our own. But I think a lot of people forget that there's this HUGE free resource available to you almost anywhere in the country that contains a lot of valuable info and lessons to learn- your local library. 
  C'mon don't roll your eyes! I mean it, i forgot how cool the library was until I started going there a few years ago to get one or two things that I just couldn't afford and I needed some entertainment. The library has gotten even cooler than it used to be too. Now you can access library catalogs online, keep a wishlist of materials you are holding off on checking out, and reserve your book on hold to show up at the closest library in the county in proximity to your home. YES you can do almost everything online now except pick up your books. Or if you have a husband like mine who has also remembered how cool the library is, sometimes they pick up everything for you :) 
  Now they have all the new books, new cd's, new movies, exercise dvd's, books on cd, magazines, newspapers, computer software- everything! You can't beat it when it's free. I have heard friends tell me that they can't do the library cause they rack up late fees, well hello! the late fees will never amount to the price you pay if you bought all these things in the long run, it's significantly less. And you support the library when you pay the fees, and that leads to more new stuff in the library eventually, so it's a win-win if you think about it. Yes I get late fees, I've ruined a couple books, and I've lost a couple. but I still haven't had to spend anywhere near what I would have if I bought all those cd's, magazines, movies and books. And some of the things I've learned from those books are priceless.
 For example, I check out many MANY new knitting books from library. If they don't have them right when they are for sale, they have them very soon afterwards. Then I just put them on hold, and wait for them. Also this gives me a great way to review all the cookbooks I look at on because i can see if I really like them before I buy them and try out a few recipes. I do the same thing with knitting books, and sewing books too. I copy TONS of cd's from the library that I could never afford to buy otherwise.  
  Seriously if you haven't gone to your library in awhile you should really check it out. I even peruse all the new books on to see what's new and what reviews they are getting, then I go into the library catalog and put them on hold if I want to check them out. It's so easy and supportive of your local community AND the environment. If we all stopped hanging out at the local Barnes and Noble and started hanging at the library we would save tons of paper, tons of time and tons of money. It doesn't get any better, or easier, than that folks.

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